I'm a snowboarder who just moved to downtown DC and have been desperately trying to find some sort of public transportation route to ANY nearby mountain/resort. Metro, Greyhound, Amtrak, Anything! So far, I haven't had any luck.
I'm have very limited funds, no car, and noticed that the ski clubs do mostly long, expensive trips to far away locales.
So, I'm looking for either the public transportation described above, or a local club that runs day trips to local mountains pretty frequently throughout the winter without a huge basic membership fee.
If anybody has any useful information, I'd really appreciate it.
This doesn't help you, but one thought did occur to me. There are a lot of privately owned commuter vans around town that no one uses on weekends. An enterprising soul could arrange to rent one of these vans on weekends and run day ski trips to Whitetail, Liberty, Wisp, or Blue Knob. Whitetail might sweeten the deal by giving van riders lift ticket discounts or better yet, giving the driver a free day ticket for bringing groups of skiers to the resort. Just a thought.
[This message has been edited by johnfmh (edited 06-27-2003).]
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