roundtop will be breaking ground on the new superpipe this week. and the superdragon has been purchased with tentative november arrival. there is also a park expansion and the old pipe will now be the beginners pipe. the new superpipe will be on lower recruit and be roughly 600 feet long with its own j-bar.
in other news, heritage hills golf course in york let it be known that they will be having a snow park this winter. the park will be designed by a group out of vail and promisses to be state of the art. lift tickets will be 18 bux for weekdays (open til close) and 20 bux for weekends with a 140 dollar season pass. i live less than a mile from HH and things look pretty impressive so far. for 2004, they plan on a super pipe and are contracting with snow majic ( to provide snowmaking up to 60 degrees for a super long season.
for the latest central pa ski/snowboard news, check out:
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