When getting off the chairlift take a left after about 50 feet. ski along side the top road where the houses are across the street from you, ski this for about 100 yards. Side step across the intersection when you come to it. At this point you will be right behind the last house on the road. Go up the very small hill behind the house, then follow the path thru the woods for another 75 yards. You will come to another road, side step across. Now your at the top of the trail, it is steep at the top and sometimes moguled up.
Blue point is similar, but reguires you to turn much sooner after you get off the chairlift, your almot there when you see the blue knob state park sign on the tree. its more work to get to and requires a little but of cross country. Its not near as steep or hard. But more like a long meandering trail through the woods, there's also a couple of cool log jumps throughout the trail.
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