This morning was superb. I'd put it up on the top 5 weekends of this season. Every double-diamond had almost a foot of snow on it. The other trails were groomed to perfection. Cherry Bowl lived up to its expectations, providing thorough enjoyment.
Saturday only got better as the day wore on. Most of the double-blacks were closed until around 10:30am. I actually took first runs down the Drop with Ski Patrol ("This open?" "Well... you're the test dummy.") As the day wore on, the temps plummeted and same with the snow. By 1pm, there was atleast 4 inches of snow on everything. Silver Streak had NOT been touched yet, so I layed 1 set of tracks down the left side, came back, still no other tracks, laid another set on the same side making figure-8s all the way down. Looked really cool from the lift on the way back up, and led to shouting of, "Get off my 8s!" as some made their way down it.
Anyways, it went from a not-so-good-looking weekend to one of the best this season.
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