"They say it's off the back side and will be north facing. It's supposed to be 3 black runs, 2 blue runs, and 1 long winding green run. They will be serviced with one high speed quad with a double added later, if needed. Rumor has it that they have plans to put an additional lodge over that way also since that side of the mountain allows alcohol sales."
The poster is Coach13, a generally reliable poster from PA.
I also posted some thoughts over at EpicSki on Roundtop's expansion. The trails referenced below Barret's Trail were cut twenty years ago. I remember hiking them with some friends and don't recall the area being that steep, certainly not as steep as Uppers Laffeyette, Ramrod, or Gunbarrel. I think there were two or three trails that looked to be low intermediate in pitch at best. I do not know why they were never opened. One rumor was that they planned on building houses or condos off of them.
Another rumor was that there was an old trail or road that ran down the back, south facing side of the mountain. From what I remember, there is some terrain on the backside that is fairly steep. Also, I think there is some room to the skiers' right of Gunbarrel to place another top to bottom trail and there is also another smaller ridge over there that would hold a couple of new trails.
With the continued changes and upgrades to my old home mountain, it looks like another trip to good ol' Roundtop is in order for next season. It's been a long time since I've had the chance to ski the top of Gunbarrel. Truly one of the best slopes on the east coast. Hopefully they do have some more steep terrain to add to what already is a challenging little mountain that is far to often unjustly maligned because of its size and location.
Looks like you could get some longer runs and slightly more vertical on the backside.
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