Over the next month, I will be upgrading to a new dedicated server that will provide improved performance and capabilities for DCSki.
I will try to make this upgrade as seamless as possible and, with luck, all you will notice is that the site suddenly becomes faster.
However, DCSki relies on a lot of separate technologies and systems, and transferring all of these to a new system will be a challenge. I expect there will be some initial hiccups that I'll have to iron out.
And that's where I'd like to request your help: if you notice anything strange in the next several weeks (pages that don't load properly, strange error messages, e-mails that bounce, broken functionality), please let me know. If my regular e-mail address (scott@dcski.com) doesn't seem to be working, you may try sending e-mail to my alternative address, mscottsmith@earthlink.net.
Again, I don't expect there to be major problems, but would appreciate your help letting me know if you notice anything that looks odd.
- Scott
Now I'll be focusing on adding new features and new content. What new features would you like to see on DCSki this winter? Let me know!
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