Blue knob is one of the most challenging mountains in the area. It is relatively cheap and rarely crowded. Unfortunately,, they only have one green trail that goes from top to bottom, and there are maybe two - three other blue sections (Jack Rabbit, Upper RT 66 and Upper High Hopes) that are easy enough for beginers to be comfortable. Deer Run and Expressway would challenge most beginers IMO. I have never ented at BK and I haven't take any lessons there, but I am sure that any ski school can provide beginer's lessons.
I know that Snowshoe, WV for example has much more green beginer terrain, but I can't offer any specifit endorsement since I have never been there myself. It is much more expensive than blue knob. HTH.
I've skied at both Blue Knob and Snowshoe. I have skied both Blue Knob and Snowshoe as a beginner. Blue Knob was a harrowing experience as a beginner 2 seasons ago, but I love it there now. Given the choice, if I had to learn to ski again, I would prefer Snowshoe. It has a greater range of trails for beginners and a really decent ski school. Snowshoe is not cheap, it more of a destination resort than a lets-go-skiing weekend. If less expensive is a primary criteria then Timberline might suite you better. I have not skied there yet but I hear very nice things about the resort and hope to get there before the end of this season.
It also depends on what you want to do. If you want to hang out with your friends and watch TV, well that's about all you can do at BK. Snowshoe has more variety of nightlife.
If you want more to do at night at want economical, Wintergreen may be an alternative. It's pretty economical as there are many cheaper hotels nearby. Plus it near Charlottesville so there's more to do at night.
(Note: canaanman does not advise the skiing/snowboarding of marked and closed areas. Do so at your own risk.)
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