I have heard of platekill before on Epicski and was intrigued. how far is it from DC? Close enough for a good weekend trip (friday night -sunday)? Also where is a good palce to stay up there? It seems like they are in the middle of nowhere.
It's about the same distance as Hunter (5-6 hours?). Plattekill's website doesn't list driving times or distances from DC or Baltimore, so I'm guessing a bit. 5-6 hours would put it in about the same driving category as Snowshoe. I drive the I-95 corridor all the time, so that doesn't bother me.
I'm still figuring out where to stay if I go there. I'm guessing one of the towns relatively near the Thruway.
If I can't take off early enough on Friday to drive up there, I may wait until President's Day Weekend to check it out.
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