Unless they have explicitly stated otherwise, I expect most trails will be open by the 21st.
Here's a Moby Dick sighting at Silvercreek:
You'll have a much better chance of more trail options if you wait until 12/21. The forecast is above freezing this weekend so I do not think they could add more trails before 12/14. Snowmaking looks more promising beginning Sunday night 12/13.
There's literally mud on the ground at the bottom of Cupp Run today. I hope a few cold days can really change that b/c I have plans to be there on 12/18.
I was there yesterday (Wednesday). Snow quality was good, but there were more people there than I expected for midweek. Then again, they're the only game in town at the moment, so perhaps it shouldn't be a big surprise. It was nice that they had two more chairlifts running than normal, given the runs that are open. That helped to spread the crowd. But I can see how the Ballhooter chair will be an even bigger zoo this year than normal, since they aren't cramming as many people as possible on each chair (I rode up as a single).
They'll be able to get a few more runs open in the coming days, including a couple over at Silver Creek. But all the advanced runs, including the Western Territory, are a long ways off. I'd anticipate maybe half their total terrain open by Xmas? Something like that, depending on the weather.
Snowshoe's response to a question on Western Territory's opening was "hoping to get started over there during the next cold snap!" https://twitter.com/snowshoemtn/status/1337018431636451328
I was hoping that they could have Cupp Run open by next weekend, but sadly I am doubtful that it is in the cards for upcoming holiday trip.
The19thHole wrote:
I was there yesterday (Wednesday). Snow quality was good, but there were more people there than I expected for midweek. Then again, they're the only game in town at the moment, so perhaps it shouldn't be a big surprise. It was nice that they had two more chairlifts running than normal, given the runs that are open. That helped to spread the crowd. But I can see how the Ballhooter chair will be an even bigger zoo this year than normal, since they aren't cramming as many people as possible on each chair (I rode up as a single).
They'll be able to get a few more runs open in the coming days, including a couple over at Silver Creek. But all the advanced runs, including the Western Territory, are a long ways off. I'd anticipate maybe half their total terrain open by Xmas? Something like that, depending on the weather.
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