Why do I hit them? Because they have the cool anti-vibration technology and little red LED's that light up when there's vibration. I like to hit them just to make sure the anti-vibration gizmo is still functioning, and it's neat to see the lights flash. (Do their new skis still have the lights?)
But, I would hasten to add that I have never preceded hitting them by putting on my winter jacket. (At least not during the summer. Maybe during the fall.)
- Scott
[This message has been edited by Jim (edited 07-25-2001).]
It is almost August. August is pre-season clearance sale month. That means next season is just around the corner...
We are over the hump.
I am willing to start a PSSD support group, but that is really a late spring/early summer syndrome.
(PSSD=Post Ski Season Depression)
On the flip side, I'm already preparing to help offset next year's PSSD. I'm saving now for a trip to Chile to ski. If I'm lucky, I won't be able to leave next year until there's snow here.
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